I was thinking we need a place to share any info or thoughts on all things UnderArmour, whether it is gear we all buy or the stuff on the athletes.
I was making my obligatory Midstore shelf check before the UConn game and while standing at the wall display of the various polo type shirts, talking with some other customers, I realized the UA rep was bringing in multiple loads of shirts. Super nice guy and stopped to talk with us, even though he intentionally wears plain shorts and a t-shirt (no logos) so that he might be able to work unmolested.

He said they do something that Nike never did - he checks with the Navy equipment guys late in the week to see what exact shirts the coaches and sideline staff will be wearing for that home game and then he goes heavy on that model. I think he said there are 4 different models that they can choose from this year. I remember years ago a Midstore rep telling me that Nike just sent two big loads of whatever the model was for that year usually well before the first game and that was it. You then had to go to Peppers and pay their price if you were an idiot gear head and HAD to have what Paul Johnson was wearing. If you guys have not been into the Midstore to see the UA section (which was greatly expanded again this year) you are missing out. Now of course, it is more $$$ than Nike but that customer service comes with a price.
Oh, ... he said the hand painted ship helmets were such a success that UA wanted to go all out again and the NAAA deciders were onboard. He was practically giddy. So we just have to wait a couple more months to push those Air Force P-47 lids off the internet.